
讲座-上海交通大学伍军教授:information-centric internet of things: architecture and cybersecurity

information-centric internet of things: architecture and cybersecurity




with the evolutionary growth of internet of things (iot), it is estimated that almost 50 billion devices will be interconnected by 2020, and the generated data traffic will grow by another 1000 times. in addition, more and more types of contents are processed and transmitted in iot. the gap between the rapidly growing demands of data rate and existing bandwidth..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................-limited network infrastructures has become ever prominent. as a novel architecture of next generation networks, information-centric networking (icn) has been introduced as a trend of future iot. this talk will focus on the architecture and cybersecurity for information-centric iot (ic-iot). firstly, the motivation and development of ic-iot will be analyzed. second, the benefits and principles of ic-iot architecture, including the capabilities of caching, communications, big data analysis and edge intelligence will be discussed. finally, novel cybersecurity technologies will also be adapted for ic-iot to enhance the defense capability. to clarify the practical value of ic-iot, some typical application scenarios of ic-iot, such as smart grid and internet of vehicle, will be taken as examples for the discussion in this talk.


jun wu received the ph.d. degree in information and telecommunication studies from waseda university, japan, in 2011. he was a post-doctoral researcher with the research institute for secure systems, national institute of advanced industrial science and technology (aist), japan, from 2011 to 2012. he was a researcher with the global information and telecommunication institute, waseda university, japan, from 2011 to 2013. he is currently an associate professor of school of electronic information and electrical engineering, shanghai jiao tong university, china. he is also the vice director of national engineering laboratory for information content analysis technology, shanghai jiao tong university, china. he is the chair of ieee p21451-1-5 standard working group. he has hosted and participated in a lot of research projects including national natural science foundation of china (nfsc), national 863 plan and 973 plan of china, japan society of the promotion of science projects (jsps), etc. his research interests include the advanced computing, communications and security techniques of software-defined networks (sdn), information-centric networks (icn) smart grids, internet of things (iot), 5g, etc., where he has published more than 120 refereed papers. he has been the track chair of vtc 2019 and the tpc member of more than ten international conferences including icc, globecom, wincon, etc. he has been a guest editor of the ieee sensors journal, sensors, ict express. he is an associate editor of the ieee access.

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